Contact information

Billing address

§1 Scope

We, Fashion Founder Me UG (haftungsbeschränkt), Schleißheimer Str. 183c 80797 Munich, fortein called “the company”, welcome you, fortein called “the user” for our websites, email lists, social media accounts, free communities or “the client” to any paid courses, resources, masterminds, and coachings.

All of our platforms, free and paid materials are subject to the following Terms and Conditions which may be updated by us from time to time without further notice. By consuming any of the free or paid materials provided by the company you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to be legally bound by these Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to any of these terms, please do not use, visit, or consume our websites, free content, or paid trainings.

We do not permit the use or purchase of our offers without prior acceptance of our Terms and Conditions. The acceptance of our Terms and Conditions happens latest with the transfer of the payment or first installment.

All agreements made between the user and the company result from these terms and conditions and from individual consultation with you. We do not accept deviating conditions from the customer unless explicitly stated in writing by the company. This also applies if we do not explicitly object to the inclusion of additional conditions.

§2 Subject of the Contract

We offer the customer the participation of video- and text-based online trainings (live and pre-recorded), digital resources such as prompts or templates, video and audio coaching calls through zoom or other communication platforms, in person seminars, and consulting services. Depending on your booking, the coaching and consulting services are standardized or individualized. The respective service description results directly from our offers or on the checkout page of the service.

We provide services for clients in the areas of management, consulting, online marketing, copywriting, content strategy, or personal development. Unless explicitly agreed upon in a separate written contract, we do not owe the provision of work in this respect to any user or client.

The client is aware that the success of marketing and sales campaigns can only be predicted based on experience. We are not responsible for the correct execution or any success of a campaign in this regard. If a separate payment has been agreed for achieving specific success of an advertising measure, this will be paid as a success-related bonus. In principle, however, there is no entitlement to achieving concrete success.

With regard to the content of a coaching, service, and/or consulting contract entered with us, we have the right to determine performance in accordance to Section 315 of the German Civil Code

The client is obliged to cooperate within the framework of the contractual relationship. They will provide the necessary cooperative actions and information in a timely manner.

§3 Conclusion of contract

The presentation and promotion of our services on our social media platforms, websites, brochures, or within advertisements (e.g. on Facebook, TikTok, or Pinterest) does not constitute a binding offer to conclude a contract with the company.

Any contract between the company and the client can be concluded by telephone (video chat, cell phone, etc), in writing (via email or social media), or in person. The client confirms that corresponding declarations of intent are sufficient to conclude a contract between the client and the company.

The company will confirm the receipt of your order(s) via e-mail.

If the performance of the services you have ordered is not possible, for example due to technical reasons, we will refrain from a declaration of acceptance. We will inform you of this immediately and, if necessary, issue a refund of any payments already received.

§4 Fees and Payment

All our prices are net prices listed in US Dollars and do not include sales tax. Sales tax will be added depending on international tax regulations for digital products and/or coaching services for individuals or companies.

The company (or our third-party payment processor) shall authorize your credit card, bank account, or other approved payment facility you provided during the registration process for the full payment of the fees and any applicable taxes.

You must provide current, complete, and accurate billing information and you agree to promptly contact us should any of your billing information change to keep your account current, complete, and accurate.

Our services are provided at the times specified in the main contract with the customer

Unless otherwise agreed with us, the customer is obliged to perform in advance. The agreed remuneration is due immediately upon conclusion of the contract.

§5 Termination and Refunds

The contract is firmly concluded for the term agreed in the respective main contract

Unless otherwise agreed between us and the client, the contract period is extended by the duration of the initial period unless one of the contracting parties terminated the contract at least 4 weeks before the end of the initial period

Premature / free termination rights of the customer within the contract period are excluded.

There are no refunds on digital resources or training materials unless a 7-day money back guarantee is explicitly stated on the sales and/or checkout page. In that case a refund can be made within 7 days (168 hours) of purchase.

The right to terminate a contract without notice for good cause remains unaffected.

In the event of early termination by the customer for an important reason, our claim to remuneration remains unaffected. The client reserves the right to prove that we have suffered no or significantly less damage.

§6 Default

In the case of extended payment plans that go beyond the timeline of the coaching container we expect the client to remain in good standing and submit payments on schedule at all times.
If the client is behind on their payment plan, we reserve the right not to carry out further services and withdraw access to all materials until the outstanding amount has been settled.
If the client is behind on their payment plans due to technical errors or human error by the client, we are entitled to terminate the contract and withdraw access to all and any materials. We will claim the remaining balance that is due by the next termination date as damages.
If the client defaults on their payment plan we reserve the right to initiate collection services. Any costs accrued during the process of collection will be covered by the client.

§7 Fulfillment
Access to digital resources and courses will be given immediately upon payment receipt via paypal or credit card. In that case you will receive an email from our training platform (e.g. Kajabi, Thinkific, or similar) with your login credentials and all further information on how to access the training and take full advantage of the provided materials.

Should you have chosen to submit payment via SEPA transfer we will manually add you to the course platform once your payment has been registered in our bank account. We try our best to grant access in a timely manner, however, please allow 3-5 business days for the payment to register and access to be given.

We will carry out the agreed services according to the offer description with necessary care and commitment to quality. We are entitled to use the help of third parties / service providers and we reserve the right to make modifications to the curriculum and setting to deliver a complete experience.

It is agreed that we owe the provision of services, materials, or training, not the production of work unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing.

Unless otherwise specified the client agrees to submit all information and data needed to fulfill the service within 30 days of signing the contract. If the client fails to provide the necessary information two reminders will be sent out. If the client has not submitted the information within 70 days of signing the contract, the client forfeits their claim for fulfillment.

If we are prevented from providing the agreed services and the reasons for the hindrance stem from the customer’s sphere, our claim for payment remains unaffected.

§8 Conduct and Consideration
We reserve the right to prosecute any illegal and/or inappropriate behavior as well as unfounded or untrue statements or abusive criticism about our company or our services by clients, competitors, and other third parties. We reserve the right to bring criminal charges without prior notice.
When participating in our programs and services, the client agrees to behave in an appropriate manner towards the company and other participants of the program. In the case of disruptive or inappropriate behavior one warning will be given before we temporarily or permanently remove the client from the container. In such cases our right to compensation remains unaffected.

§9 Rights of Use
We have exclusive copyright to all images, videos, texts, workbooks, webinars, databases, templates, prompts, or trainings we publish across all platforms, including but not limited to Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, and any password protected platform. Any use fo this content is not permitted without our explicit, written permission.
The customer receives a simple right of use with regard to the content stored by us in the password-protected member area, exclusively for the duration of the contract period. This right of use serves to implement the contract concluded individually with the customer.
The access and logins to our programs, content, and platforms is granted to the client on a per-brain basis and exclusively for the duration of the contract period unless otherwise stated. Passing on the provided access, login data, and the content of our member platforms to third parties who have not been authorized by us is strictly prohibited. In the event of violations an appropriate contractual penalty of up to 8,000Euro will be determined and enforced. The appropriate amount will be determined by the company with respect to the damages created.
Joint access by maximum two (2) company employees or co-owners of the same business is allowed. Should a training be shared to more employees additional licenses can be obtained at a reduced rate.
Violations of our company and business secrets as well as our copyrights will always be prosecuted under civil law and reported to the responsible investigating authority under criminal law.
The customer does not receive any right of use in relation to advertising texts / advertisements published by us on our websites or within forums or groups (including private and public Facebook Groups)

§10 Terms of Payment
The payment for our services is generally due in full upon conclusion of the contract unless the individual contractual agreement with the customer states otherwise.
You can choose to pay the investment owed via paypal, credit card, or using a SEPA transfer (EU citizens only). In the case of a SEPA wire transfer you explicitly agree to have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions.
Entrepreneurs and business owners who paid the investment via paypal or credit card will automatically receive an invoice for the booked services. If the client paid via SEPA wire transfer you will receive an invoice for the booked service upon request via email (please email

§11 Liability

We are liable to you in the event of intent and gross negligence in accordance with the statutory provisions for damages or reimbursement of wasted expenses.
In other cases we are only liable in the event of a breach of a contractual obligation, the fulfillment of which is essential for the proper execution of the contract.
In all other cases our liability is excluded
As part of his duty to cooperate, the client is obliged to only provide us with image, video, and sound material that is free of third party rights. In this respect, the customer fully indemnifies us from any claims by third parties due to the infringement of intellectual property

§12 Right of Withdrawal

We only enter into contracts with entrepreneurs within the meaning of § 14 BGB. There is no right of revocation for contracts entered into by telephone with entrepreneurs.

§13 Data protection, consent to data processing and contact
The protection of personal data is of utmost importance to us. We therefore inform you separately in our privacy policy about the collection, storage, and processing of personal data and about the rights of those affected in this regard.
You confirm that you have read, understood, and agreed to our privacy policy before using our services.
You consent to our company contacting you by means of long-distance communication including e-mail, text message, phone calls, and messenger services such as Voxer or Telegram. Your consent can be revoked any time by unsubscribing from our mailing list or contacting our customer support team (
You agree to the storage and processing of all personal data you have left with us. This includes the use of cookies within our services to the evaluation, storage, and consolidation of your user behavior across our websites and sales pages.

§14 Participation in LIVE trainings, Masterminds and Events
If you book the participation in seminars, events, masterminds, or 1:1 coaching with us, your booking is binding.
We do not accept refunds or cancellations on our high level live or in-person training.

§15 Applicable Law, Place of Jurisdiction

(1) The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies to the exclusion of the UN Sales Convention.
(2) The courts in Koblenz are exclusively responsible for all disputes arising from the contractual relationship between us and the customer. However, we are entitled to assert our claims against the customer at the customer's general place of jurisdiction.
(3) The contract language is German.

PART II - Regulations for Participation in our Coaching Programs, Member Platforms, Seminars and Training Courses

§1 Code of Conduct
The company expects the client to behave in a kind, respectful, and professional manner within any free and paid communities hosted by the company. Racism, sexism, bullying, or hateful comments are not accepted and lead to an immediate exclusion from the community or program without prior warning.

In the event of culpable violations we are entitled to temporarily or permanently block the client’s access to our program and training content or any mastermind or coaching community at our reasonable discretion. The contractual obligations of the customer towards us remain unaffected in this case.

The client agrees to treat information shared within paid and free communities with respect and discretion. It is not allowed to re-share, recreate, or spread that information shared by members or the company across other platforms.
§2 Impermissible Account Sharing
The client is not entitled to pass on the account information received from us or the login data for our platforms, programs, or training to third parties unless he or she has obtained explicit written permission to do so.

We are entitled to permanently monitor access to our IT systems via IP comparison. The use of technologies that conceal the IP address or the user when accessing our systems and training platform is prohibited.

§3 Acquisition of Clients
The client is prohibited from systematically using our free or paid communities to acquire clients, to solicit members about their offers, or friend request any members of our community without obtaining prior permission from that member to be added.
Should another client or member explicitly state their interest in the clients’ work or offer, the client is allowed to communicate with the member in private.

In the event of repeated unsolicited connection, pitching, or selling the company reserves the right to temporarily or permanently suspend the client from any paid or free communities, coaching containers, or social media groups. The contractual obligations of the customer towards the company remain unaffected in this case.

§4 Ban on Passing on or Recreating Internal Information and Company Secrets

During our training sessions or live calls other coaching participants may disclose internal information or business details. In this respect confidentiality towards external parties and third parties is to be maintained at all times and in full. Dissemination of this information is prohibited.

Any information, teachings, or methods taught inside our courses and programs are intellectual property of the company. Disclosing or reproducing this information to third parties, in your own social media content, or your own coaching containers is strictly prohibited.

In the event of violations by the client we are entitled to temporarily or permanently suspend access to our coaching containers and logins to our training platforms. The contractual obligations of the customer towards us remain unaffected in this case.

Should you wish to use any of the materials or teachings you acquired during a Content Lounge training, please reach out to and inquire about affiliate opportunities.
I agree

Virginia de Assis5 days ago
Please check this box to receive my emails with program updates, zoom links, call reminders etc... Yes, you will be added to my email list but I only send fun, entertaining, and valuable emails (pinky promise!) and you can unsubscribe any time.

ps: here's an exclusive one time offer that perfectly complements your new sales page:


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Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal



Writing your high-converting sales page just got a heck of a lot easier (and waaaay more fun) with Sales Page Magic! 

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  • How to convert all 3 types of buyers with your sales page
  • How to activate people's emotions make them want to hurl their credit card at you
  • How to nudge people off the fence and right into your offer


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